
Configuring the alarm
When the ServeRAID Manager agent is started, it reads the alarm settings. When a
critical or fatal event occurs in the RAID subsystem, the ServeRAID Manager agent
triggers its alarm, if enabled. The alarm continues at the specified interval until
you either:
v Correct all the critical and fatal problems (if agent.auto.off.alarm is set to true).
v Delete the file alarm.on. This file is located in the same directory where you
installed the ServeRAID Manager. When you delete this file, the alarm stops
until the next critical or fatal event occurs. The alarm.on file is automatically
created each time the alarm starts.
can configure the following alarm settings:
v agent.enable.alarm Specifies whether the agent alarm is enabled or disabled.
Set this value to true to enable the alarm or false to disable the alarm. The
default value is false.
v agent.interval.alarm Specifies the interval (in seconds) between audible alarms.
The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
v agent.auto.off.alarm Specifies whether the alarm should turn off automatically
when no more problems are detected. Set this value to true to cause the alarm to
turn off automatically, or false to manually turn the alarm off. If you set this
value to false, you must delete the file alarm.on to turn off the alarm. The
default is true.
Configuring event logging
The ServeRAID Manager agent logs warning and fatal events to the operating
system event log. You can view the event log from the ServeRAID Manager
console. For Windows systems, you can also view the event log with the Windows
Event Viewer. For Unix systems, events are logged according to the
/etc/syslog.conf settings. (For more information, see the syslogd(8) man page.)
You can enable and disable event logging by editing the following line in the file
RaidAgnt.pps. Set the value to true to enable event logging (the default) or false to
disable event logging.
agent.enable.logEventsWithOS = true
More information
v Using the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Configuring the ServeRAID Manager agent general settings
v Configuring NetWare user authentication
v Verifying that the ServeRAID Manager agent is running
v Starting the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Specifying remote access settings
v Viewing the ServeRAID Manager agent event log
Configuring the ServeRAID Manager agent > general settings
Note: This action is not supported in bootable-CD mode.
Use this action to configure The ServeRAID Manager agent general settings,
including the base port for the agent and console. The agent can log events to the
operating system event log, sound an alarm when an event occurs, and broadcast
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 209