Chapter 4. Armando Banking Brothers Corporation 81
Figure 4-2 is representative of the ITSO Lab Environment used for L2Dot1x NAC
VLAN-11 Healthy Sales VLAN in the Core network. This VLAN hosts those
users that have been authenticated by IEEE 802.1x as members
of the Sales Group and have been posture validated as Healthy.
VLAN-12 Healthy Engineering VLAN in the Core network. This VLAN hosts
those users that have been authenticated by IEEE 802.1x as
members of the Engineering Group and have been posture
validated as HealthyII.
VLAN-13 Quarantine Sales VLAN in the Core network. This VLAN hosts
those users that have been authenticated by IEEE 802.1x as
members of the Sales Group, but are not compliant.
VLAN-14 Quarantine Engineering VLAN in the Core network. This VLAN
hosts those users hat have been authenticated by IEEE 802.1x
as members of the Engineering Group, but are not compliant.
VLAN-9 This VLAN hosts the Cisco Secure ACS and the Tivoli Security
Compliance Manager.
VLAN-104 This VLAN hosts the Tivoli Configuration Manager.
Figure 4-2 Armando Banking Brothers network environment for NAC Framework
From a Network Admission Control perspective, the user is prompted for his
IEEE 802.1x credentials when he connects to the access switch. Upon supplying