374 Building a Network Access Control Solution with IBM Tivoli and Cisco Systems
c. The directory location provided for the fix packs is the fix packs
subdirectory under your temporary directory you have created in step 1
(Figure 8-14).
Figure 8-14 Fix packs directory location
7. As Fix Pack 1 is the prerequisite to Cumulative Fix 11, this second one will not
show up in the list of available fix packs until the first one is installed. You must
run the procedure twice, installing first Fix Pack 1 and then Cumulative Fix 11.
Creating the necessary user account
The Web Gateway component requires that a DB2 user exists on every system
where the Web Gateway database is installed. The DB2 user (the default name
is dmsadmin) owns the database tables in the Web Gateway database.
The correct group for the dmsadmin user is the DB2 administrator group ID,
which is DB2ADMNS on Windows.
To create this user account issue as a administrative user the following
net user dmsadmin <password> /add
net localgroup DB2ADMNS dmsadmin /add