434 Building a Network Access Control Solution with IBM Tivoli and Cisco Systems
workflows installing or uninstalling software should use silent mode whenever
The TCRZLSoftwareRunning workflow was defined in the
SERVICE_RUNNING_WF parameter in the ZoneAlarm Software Active policy to
be used when the compliance check generated a FAIL or WARNING status. This
is one of the two workflow types called by the
nac.win.any.services.PostureService collector. It is executed during the
remediation of the violation when a service that should be running is stopped.
To build the remediation package:
1. Open a command prompt, import the environment variables for the Tivoli
Framework, and start bash. Then create the directory for the workflow files. To
do this issue the following commands:
cmd /k %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\Tivoli\setup_env.cmd
cd $BINDIR/tcmremed/download
mkdir TCRZLSoftwareRunning
cd TCRZLSoftwareRunning
2. Create the very simple Windows batch file named
startupTrueVectorService.bat, which contains only one line, as shown below:
net start “TrueVector Internet Monitor”
Copy this batch file to the TCRZLSoftwareRunning directory.
3. Create the configuration file for the sputil.sh utility containing the instructions
about how to build the package. Copy the Sample.properties file from the
sample_TCRZLSoftwareRunning directory to the TCRZLSoftwareRunning
directory and edit it with the text editor to match the content specified in
Example 8-15.
Example 8-15 Sample.properties file for TCRZLSoftwareRunning workflow