This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Check the location (path) of the device drivers on the diskettes supplied by
the manufacturers before you start the installation process, as you will not
have the opportunity during the next section of the installation process.
NT 4.0 setup displays the following panel (Figure 55):
Windows NT Server Setup
Setup automatically detects floppy disk controllers and standard
ESDI/IDE hard disks without user intervention. However on some
computers detection of certain other mass storage devices, such as
SCSI adapters and CD-ROM drives, can cause the computer to become
unresponsive or to malfunction temporarily.
For this reason you can bypass Setup′ s mass storage device detection
and manually select SCSI adapters, CD-ROM drives, and special disk
controllers (such as drive arrays) for installation.
* To continue, press ENTER.
Setup will attempt to detect mass storage devices in your
* To skip mass storage device detection, press S.
Setup will allow you to manually select SCSI adapters,
CD-ROM drives, and special disk controllers for installation.
F3=Exit ENTER=Continue S=Skip Detection
Figure 55. Selecting a Disk Controller During Installation
Streaming RAID Adapter
In the Server 720 and Server 500, the Micro Channel SCSI-2 Streaming RAID
Adapter/A may not be correctly recognized by Windows NT. The symptoms
are that the operating system cannot find the CD-ROM drive.
The solution is to press S to skip detection of disk controllers and when
prompted insert the Driver/Configuration diskette in the drive to select “IBM
RAID Controller” instead.
See Appendix A, “Sources of Drivers and Information” on page 147 for
information on where to get the latest driver diskettes.
Press Enter to continue. Setup asks you to insert setup diskette 3 to continue
the device detection and installation process. At the bottom of the setup panel,
the device drivers currently being loaded is shown. Each detected adapter or
device is shown. For the PC Servers 325, 330 and 704, the panel shown is
similar to Figure 56 on page 84.
If the disk controllers that Windows NT detects are all the ones you have in your
server, press Enter to continue and proceed to 5.3.5, “System Analysis” on
page 88.
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 83