
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Figure 70. Adapter Drivers Found on the OEM Diskette
5.6.3 Network Protocols
After the network adapters are selected, you need to define the network protocol
stacks to be used for network communication. Select the required network
protocols from the list provided by setup (Figure 71).
Figure 71. Selecting Protocols
If you need additional protocol support, click on Select from list... and for
additional protocols to select. Choice of Protocols
The protocols you choose will impact the way your network performs.
If you have existing equipment that makes use of certain protocols, then you do
not have a choice unless you embark on a major revamp of your network. Your
choice of protocol will depend on the scope and design of your network. For
example, if you have less than 30 devices on your Ethernet LAN or 50 on your
token-ring LAN and you have no intention of ever subnetting your network or
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 99