
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Figure 75. Service Failed During Startup
5.8.1 Determining Which Services Have Started
To inspect which of the services have started, use the services function located
in the control panel.
From the task bar at the bottom of your screen, click on the Start button. Select
the Settings option. Next, click on the Control Panel icon.
In the Control Panel window, click on the Services icon. The option box
displayed looks similar to the one in Figure 76.
Figure 76. Reviewing Bindings
This window shows all services, how they should be started and their actual
5.8.2 Using the Event Log
The next step is to investigate the event log to determine whether all the
services have started and are functioning properly. The event log is an
invaluable source of information that highlights potential problems and guides
you in solving them.
Start the Event Viewer by clicking on Start
Programs Administrative Tools
Event Viewer.
The Event Viewer is used to display and investigate the event log. The following
three figures (Figure 77 on page 104 to Figure 79 on page 105) show the event
log displaying errors, the source of an error and the event log after the problem
has been corrected and the server has been restarted.
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 103