This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
IBM PC ServeRAID Adapter Disk Array MiniConfiguration Utility Ver. 2.00
│ Main Menu │
│ View Adapter Status │
│ View Configuration │
│ Advanced Functions │
│ Exit │
Select a choice using the Up and Down Arrow keys, then press Enter.
Figure 44. ServeRAID Adapter Mini-Configuration Utility
As well as viewing both the adapter status and the logical drive configuration,
you can perform a subset of administrative functions that you can do with the
configuration utility. Selecting Advanced Functions from the menu gives you a
│ Advanced Functions │
│ Reset Adapter │
│ Initialize Configuration │
│ Import Configuration from Drive(s) │
│ Boot CD-ROM and INT13 Extensions │
│ Adapter and PCI Information │
│ Exit │
The options you can select here are:
Reset Adapter
The option resets the adapter and runs all internal diagnostics. This does
not affect the data on the drives.
Initialize Configuration
This option resets the adapter configuration to factory defaults, and places
all drives in the ready (RDY) state.
Note: All configuration data will be lost.
Import Configuration from Drive(s)
This option reads the configuration from the drives and copies it to NVRAM
and EEPROM on the adapter.
Note: Configurations store in the adapter will be lost.
Boot CD-ROM and INT13 Extensions
Figure 45 on page 57 appears to allow you to configure the CD-ROM boot
options. See “Boot CD-ROM Configuration” on page 57 for more
Adapter and PCI Information
56 PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide