
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Windows NT Server Setup
You have asked Setup to create a new partition on
800 MB Disk 0 at Id 0 on bus 3 on ispraidn.
* To create the new partition, enter a size below
and press ENTER.
* To return to the previous panel without creating
the partition, press ESC
The minimum size for the new partition is 2 megabytes (MB).
The maximum size for the new partition is 800 megabytes (MB).
Create partition of size (in MB): 800
ENTER=Create ESC=Cancel
Figure 67. Creating a New Partition
Windows NT setup assumes by default that only one partition of the maximum
available size will be created. Specify the size of the partition you want to
create or accept the default by pressing Enter.
Note: We recommend certain configurations when creating Windows NT system
partitions. Please refer to 3.6, “Disk Partitioning” on page 65 for our
You will then be returned to the panel depicted in Figure 66 on page 92.
Select the partition on which to install NT 4.0 (recommended) or press C to
install more partitions (not recommended!).
5.3.9 Formatting
Setup gives you the option of formatting the partition in a FAT format or the
NTFS format. Our recommendation for non-C2 installations is that you format the
partition as FAT. Refer to 3.6, “Disk Partitioning” on page 65 for more
information. Select the file system you require and press Enter.
Specify the directory on your disk into which setup is to install NT 4.0. You may
either accept the default of
\WINNT, or you may type in the directory name of your
choice and press Enter. We recommend that you accept the default.
Setup checks the disks for corruption. A panel now appears asking if you wish
to allow setup to perform a more exhaustive secondary examination of your
disks. If you are using a RAID controller, you may skip this step by pressing Esc
because the initialization process performed by the controller in setting up the
logical drives is sufficient.
If you are not using a RAID controller, we recommend that you allow setup to
perform the analysis, as this will reduce the risk of data corruption caused by
faulty disk drives.
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 93