
Enable WAS Global Security
1. Launch the WAS Administrative Console and go to Security – Global Security.
2. Check the Enabled checkbox and (if it isn’t automatically checked when security is enabled) the Enforce Java
2 Security checkbox.
3. Assuming that you followed the steps for enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) outlined in “Chapter 10 Installing
the Network Deployment (ND) Module,” the Active Authentication Mechanism field has the value LTPA.
4. Select LDAP In the Active User Registry drop-down box.
5. Click OK. At this point the Server User Id and Server User Password you entered in the LDAP User Registry
page are validated. If there is a problem then you’ll get an error and you’ll have to correct it before
6. Restart the WAS server for the security changes to take effect. You must now provide a username and
password when executing the stopServer script. In addition, you’ll have to specify the Server User Id and
Password when you open the WAS Administrative console.
74 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide