The following provides a graphical representation of the WAS nodes, servers, and applications when WAS Core and
Network Deployment (ND) are deployed on the same machine:
Single Physical Host
*server1 will still be present (but should NOT be started) if
a WAS Base node was migrated to ND after it had alread
been started. Server1 will not be present if WAS Base
and ND were installed together -- i.e., Base was n
brought up prior to the deployment of N
WebSphere Enterprise Application:
WebSphere Application Server process:
WebSphere Enterprise Application:
WebSphere Enterprise A
WebSphere Application Server p
WebSphere Node: $Hostname WebSphere Node: $HostnameManager
WebSphere Enterprise Application:
WebSphere Application Server process:
WebSphere Enterprise Application:
WebSphere Enterprise Application:
erver LMS Delivery S
WebSphere Application Server process:
erver LMS DS S
WebSphere Application Server process:
WebSphere Enterprise Application:
erver LMS LMS S
Additional guidelines regarding the use of ND
• Always use the Admin Console to start and stop application servers.
• Use the Admin Console to stop or restart the Node Agent.
• You must start the Node agent (from a stopped state) using the command line.
• The Deployment Manager can only be stopped and started using the command line.
• Any time you make changes that require all servers to be restarted (for example, cell-wide changes, such as
security configuration), the following order MUST be observed:
1. Save the change you have made as you would any change made in the Admin Console.
2. Synchronize the nodes and wait for synchronization to complete. Navigate in the Admin Console
and come back to the “Nodes” screen to see if the node status is “Synchronized.
3. Stop any running application servers using the Admin Console.
4. Stop the Node using the Admin Console.
5. Logout of the Admin Console and close its browser window.
6. Stop the Deployment Manager.
7. Start the Deployment Manager.
8. Wait until the Manager has started (the “open for e-business” message).
9. Start the Node Agent.
Chapter 10: Installing the Network Deployment (ND) Module 51