
The “-S” server name option can be omitted if the script is being run on the database server itself.
The name that you will give for the server is the server alias you created with the “client network utility.”
The “-e” option should be omitted unless you are debugging installation problems.
If you have DB2 installed, you may need to rename the isql.bat file in the DB2 directory to isqldb2.bat, in
order to prevent conflicts.
Creating an Audit database
If desired, have the Database Administrator edit the cr_mssqldb_audit.sql script for the correct file size and
From a DOS command line, Run the scripts with the commands:
C:>isql -S <server_name> -U sa -i cr_mssqldb_audit.sql > auditdb.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d <audit_db> -U sa [-e] -i audit_mssql.sql >
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d <audit_db> -U sa -i audit_data.sql > auditseed.log
Creating a Learning Management System database
If desired, have the Database Administrator edit the cr_mssqldb_lmm.sql script for the correct file size and
From a command window, run the scripts with the commands:
C:>isql -S <server_name> -U sa -i cr_mssqldb_lmm.sql > lmmdb.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d lmm_db -U sa [-e] -i lmm_mssql.sql > lmm.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d lmm_db -U sa -i permission_data.sql
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d lmm_db -U sa -i settings_init.sql
Creating a DS database(s)
If desired, have the Database Administrator edit the cr_mssqldb_ds.sql script for the correct file size and
From a command window, run the scripts with the commands:
C:>isql -S <server_name> -U sa -i cr_mssqldb_ds.sql > dsdb.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d ds_db -U sa [-e] -i ds_mssql.sql > ds.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d ds_db -U sa [-e] -i settings_init_ds.sql
Repeat these steps for each database instance that requires an delivery server database
JDBC Driver information
If you need to get copies of these drivers go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/.
Additional information about running scripts in different environments
The Learning Management System provides you with a variety of scripts for creating the Learning Management
System databases in a variety of DBMS and OS environments. The following are some guidelines to keep in mind
when running these scripts:
46 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide