• The “-S” server name option can be omitted if the script is being run on the database server itself.
• The name that you will give for the server is the server alias you created with the “client network utility.”
• The “-e” option should be omitted unless you are debugging installation problems.
• If you have DB2 installed, you may need to rename the isql.bat file in the DB2 directory to isqldb2.bat, in
order to prevent conflicts.
Creating an Audit database
• If desired, have the Database Administrator edit the cr_mssqldb_audit.sql script for the correct file size and
• From a DOS command line, Run the scripts with the commands:
C:>isql -S <server_name> -U sa -i cr_mssqldb_audit.sql > auditdb.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d <audit_db> -U sa [-e] -i audit_mssql.sql >
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d <audit_db> -U sa -i audit_data.sql > auditseed.log
Creating a Learning Management System database
• If desired, have the Database Administrator edit the cr_mssqldb_lmm.sql script for the correct file size and
• From a command window, run the scripts with the commands:
C:>isql -S <server_name> -U sa -i cr_mssqldb_lmm.sql > lmmdb.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d lmm_db -U sa [-e] -i lmm_mssql.sql > lmm.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d lmm_db -U sa -i permission_data.sql
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d lmm_db -U sa -i settings_init.sql
Creating a DS database(s)
• If desired, have the Database Administrator edit the cr_mssqldb_ds.sql script for the correct file size and
• From a command window, run the scripts with the commands:
C:>isql -S <server_name> -U sa -i cr_mssqldb_ds.sql > dsdb.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d ds_db -U sa [-e] -i ds_mssql.sql > ds.log
C:>isql -S <server_name> -d ds_db -U sa [-e] -i settings_init_ds.sql
• Repeat these steps for each database instance that requires an delivery server database
JDBC Driver information
If you need to get copies of these drivers go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/.
Additional information about running scripts in different environments
The Learning Management System provides you with a variety of scripts for creating the Learning Management
System databases in a variety of DBMS and OS environments. The following are some guidelines to keep in mind
when running these scripts:
46 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide