1. Log in as the DB2 instance owner (for example, db2inst1).
2. Type
cd $HOME/sqllib
3. Add the following line to the file userprofile:
. /$DB2_INSTALL_PATH/java12/usejdbc2
where /$DB2_INSTALL_PATH is the actual path where DB2 is installed on the machine, NOT an
environment variable.
Note: You should update each user account profile for your database system with the
.$HOME/sqllib/java12/usejdbc2 command.
4. Save your changes to the file.
5. Stop any running DB2 processes.
6. Log out and log back in.
7. You can now restart DB2 processes.
Catalog the remote databases
Use the following instructions for AIX:
1. Catalog a TCP/IP node.
2. Login as db2inst1.
3. Run the startup script INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile.
4. Catalog the node as follows:
db2 catalog tcpip node db2node remote serverhost server port_number
5. Catalog the database as follows:
db2 catalog database database_name as database_alias at node node_name
6. Repeat for this procedure for the DS and Audit databases.
7. Test the client-to-server communication by doing the following:
• Connect to remote databases as follows:
db2 connect to database_alias user userid using password
• Try the following command:
Select tabname from syscat.tables
Use the following instructions for Windows configurations:
1. Start Programs - IBM DB2 - Client Configuration Assistant.
2. Click Add.
3. Select Manually configure a connection to a database and click Next.
4. Select TCP/IP protocol. Click Next.
5. Enter the Hostname.
Enter the Port number.
7. Click Next.
8. Enter the Database name (for example, Learning Management System).
Chapter 9: Installing and Configuring Database Servers and Schema 43