At this time you should also identify the LDAP username for the Learning Management System
administrator. This value is used to make an entry in the USER table and represents the only rostered user
when the application starts.
For more information, refer to “Chapter 9 Installing and configuring database servers and schema”.
7. Install the Network Deployment module (optional)
The Network Deployment (ND) module configures and controls multi-server WAS installations. If you
intend to deploy the Learning Management System on more than one application server, then ND must be
installed to manage the cluster, which you can then do from a single machine. The ND module can be
installed on a node where WAS Core has been installed.
For more information, refer to “Chapter 10 Installing the Network Deployment (ND) Module.”
8. Configure JDBC data sources
Access to JDBC connections is made via JNDI lookup of a named data source. These data sources have well-
known names that are embedded in the Learning Management System .ear file. Using the WAS admin
console, you must configure three data sources. For example, the default data sources are Learning, Audit,
and Delivery.
For more information, refer to “Chapter 11 Configuring JDBC Data Sources.”
9. Configure environment entries
The Learning Management System uses J2EE environment entries to obtain some needed settings. Similarly
to the JDBC data sources, these have well-known names that are embedded in the Learning Management
System application. The needed environment entries must be created and their values specified with the Was
Admin console.
For more information, refer to “Chapter 12 Configuring Environment Entries.”
10. Configure WebSphere Application Server security
Learning Management System relies on WAS LDAP authentication. The WAS admin console must be used
to configure LDAP as the active user registry. To perform this, an LDAP username must be selected as the
WAS administrator; also bind credentials to the LDAP directory must be specified. This information was
obtained in step 2 and is now used as input into the WAS configuration .
For more information, refer to “Chapter 13 Configuring WebSphere Application Server Security.”
11. Deploy the Learning Management Server application
After the application files have been installed with the Learning Management System Installer, you must
then deploy the application via the Application Server Admin console. The Learning Management System
product package includes separate application .ear files for the Learning Management System Server and the
Delivery Server. The Learning Management System Server should be deployed first.
Using the Admin console, the .ear file is read and validated. A series of "wizard" pages is then presented to
let you finalize the application settings. The main activity here is the binding of the references included in
the .ear file to the specific JDBC data-sources and environment entries created in the earlier steps of this
8 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide