Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 77
DB2 fix pack for non-server products:
This type of fix pack can only be used if you do not have DB2 server installed,
and just other DB2 client or add-on products have to be updated. It cannot be
used to update a DB2 server product.
DB2 universal fix pack (available only on UNIX and Linux):
This fix pack should be used when there are more than one DB2 product
installed, for example, if you have DB2 Enterprise Server Edition and
WebSphere Federation Server installed. Then DB2 universal fix pack should
be used instead of the separately applying DB2 server fix pack and
WebSphere Federation Server fix pack.
A discussion about the difference between universal fix packs and product
specific fix packs can be found at:
Visit the DB2 Information Center for more information about DB2 fix packs:
Stopping all DB2 processes before deployment
Before installing the DB2 fix pack, you have to ensure that every DB2 process
has been stopped. As DB2 now supports multiple copies coexisting on one
machine, you have to stop only those DB2 processes that are associated with
the copy to be updated.
The DB2 Information Center provides detailed steps showing how to stop DB2
processes before the fix pack installation. For UNIX and Linux system, refer to:
For Windows systems, refer to:
Note: On UNIX and Linux platforms, the ps system command can be used
when checking if a specific process is in the memory.
On Windows systems, Task Manager can be used to show all the processes
running in the memory. In addition, there is a command line utility called
tasklist which outputs process information on Windows XP/Vista/2003. This
convenient tool can be used in a customized script to detect and stop DB2
processes automatically.