Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 73
Example 2-23 DB2 copies existing on baltic
# db2ls
/opt/IBM/db2/V9.1 3
/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 1
The following command is used to execute the deployment script against
Baltic to install DB2 in the /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 path:
db2srv_install.sh -D -N /tmp/v95ga/ese -H baltic -n -p ese -b /opt/ibm/db2/
V9.5 -l /tmp/mass_db2dply.log
When a conflict is detected, the script aborts the installation and displays
error messages on the screen as shown in Example 2-24.
Example 2-24 Install path conflicts with existing DB2 copy
Starting deployment on machine baltic using db2_install...
Messages returned from baltic:
The specified install path already exists.
Deployment finished on machine baltic.
After the deployment is complete, you can issue the db2ls command to see
every installed DB2 copies on the system. You can also review the installation by
logon to each machine.
2.3.4 Windows deployment scripts
All mass deployment of DB2 products in Windows platform requires a response
file. There are two common methods for deploying DB2 servers in Windows:
Using a deployment script
Creating a package in a third party software deployment tool
These deployment methods are same for deploying DB2 Data server clients and
DB2 Data Server Runtime clients. As such, we present usage of a deployment
script in this section and cover usage of software deployment tools, namely
Microsoft System Management Server and Microsoft System Center
Configuration Manager 2007, in Chapter 3, “DB2 client deployment” on page 89.
Note: We have a limited number of exception handling functions
embedded in our deployment script. Ensure that SSH and NFS are
configured properly prior to executing our sample deployment script.