Chapter 3. DB2 client deployment 95
For further details regarding installing multiple DB2 copies, refer to the following
URLs in the DB2 Information Center:
The default copy name of the Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET on
Windows is:
The default copy name of the Data Server Client or Data Server Runtime Client
on Windows is:
When installing a Data Server Client on a machine that already has a DB2 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUW) Version 8 copy installed, users will be
presented with the option to install a new copy or to migrate the DB2 Version 8
copy. Installing a new copy preserves the DB2 Version 8 copy and installs an
additional DB2 Version 9 copy. Choosing to migrate will copy the DB2 Version 8
client instance settings to the DB2 Version 9 copy, then remove the DB2 8 copy.
If a machine already has a DB2 Version 8 copy installed, the Version 9 copies
cannot be set to default.
When installing a Data Server Runtime Client, the installation program always
installs a new copy.
3.2.1 IBM data server client installation methods
The IBM data server client can be installed using the following methods:
DB2 Setup wizard
db2_install script (in Linux and UNIX)
Response file
The installation methods available for IBM data server client are similar to those
available for IBM data server.