Chapter 3. DB2 client deployment 101
For further details regarding Microsoft’s Systems Management Server, refer to
the following URL:
To install DB2 products using SMS/SCCM, perform these steps:
1. Import the DB2 install file into SMS/SCCM.
2. Create the SMS/SCCM package on the SMS/SCCM server.
3. Distribute the DB2 installation package across your network.
Packaging IBM data server client product using Microsoft SMS
The steps for importing DB2 install file and packaging IBM data server client
product using Microsoft Systems Management Server are as follows:
1. Place the IBM data server client installation image on a location where it can
be accessed and edited.
2. Use db2iprune to reduce installation image if necessary.
3. Create a DB2 response file.
4. Start the SMS Administrator Console on a SMS 2003 distribution point server
by selecting Start → Programs → Systems Management Server → SMS
Administrator Console.
5. Open the Site Database object tree from the SMS Administrator Console and
right-click Packages, then select New → Package From Definition as
shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 SMS Administration Console