Chapter 4. Deploying applications with DB2 191
IBM Data Server Driver for CLI support:
All Python extensions communicate to DB2 using CLI. If either IBM Data
Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client is present, this step is not
required. Otherwise, you require IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI to
run your application. Alternatively, for Windows systems, you can use IBM
Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET. Both are described in detail in
4.1.2, “IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET, and IBM Data
Server Driver for ODBC and CLI” on page 143.
Installation procedure
You can install IBM_DB driver and IBM_DB_DBI wrapper on Linux, UNIX and
Windows systems by issuing the following command:
easy_install ibm_db
To start using IBM_DB_DBI wrapper, add the path where the egg file resides to
the environment variable PYTHONPATH. For Linux and UNIX systems:
export PYTHONPATH=<Path where setuptools is
Similarly, issue the following command on Windows:
set PYTHONPATH=<Path where setuptools is installed>\site-packages\ibm_db-xx.egg
You can install IBM_DB_SA adaptor on Linux and Windows systems by issuing
the following command:
easy_install ibm_db_sa
Note: On Linux and UNIX systems, setuptools has dependencies on the
zlib-bin and zlib1g-dev packages. These are generally installed on systems;
so ensure that you have them installed. Otherwise, install them using the
following commands:
sudo apt-get install zlib-bin
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
You can also search for these packages and install them manually.
Note: SQLAlchemy is a prerequisite if you want to install IBM_DB_SA
adaptor for SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy can be downloaded from: