6947ch02.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
60 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
IOCP is available on z/OS, OS/390, z/VM, VM/ESA, z/VSE, and VSE/ESA operating
systems, and as a standalone program on the z990 hardware console. HCD is available
on z/OS, z/VM, and OS/390 operating systems.
ESCON channels (CHPID type CNC or FCV) can be
managed by the Dynamic CHPID
Management (DCM) function of the Intelligent Resource Director. DCM enables the
system to respond to ever-changing channel requirements by moving channels from
lesser-used control units to more heavily used control units, as needed.
Logically Partitioned Mode
The z990 server can only run in LPAR Mode; up to 30 logical partitions can be defined on any
z990 server. A logical partition can be defined to operate in one of the following image modes:
ESA/390 mode, to run:
– A z/Architecture operating system image, on dedicated
or shared CPs.
– An ESA/390 operating system image, on dedicated
or shared CPs.
– A Linux operating system image, on dedicated
or shared CPs.
– A z/OS 1.6 or later operating system image, on any of the following:
• Dedicated
or shared CPs
• Dedicated CPs
and dedicated zAAPs
• Shared CPs
and shared zAAPs
ESA/390 TPF mode, to run:
– A TPF operating system image, only on dedicated
or shared CPs.
Coupling Facility mode, to run a CF image, by loading the CFCC into this logical partition.
The CF image can run any of the following definitions:
– Dedicated
or shared CPs
– Dedicated
or shared ICFs
– Dedicated
and shared ICFs
– ICFs dedicated
and CPs shared
Linux-only mode, to run:
– A Linux operating system image, on either:
• Dedicated
or shared IFLs
• Dedicated
or shared CPs
– A z/VM operating system image, on either:
• Dedicated
or shared IFLs
• Dedicated
or shared CPs
Table 2-4 on page 61 shows all LPAR modes, required characterized PUs and operating
systems, and which PU characterizations can be configured to a logical partition image. The
available combinations of dedicated (DED) and shared (SHR) processors are also shown. For
all combinations, an image can also have Reserved Processors defined, allowing
non-disruptive image upgrades.
Note: zAAPs can be defined to any ESA/390 mode image (see Figure 2-16 on
page 59). However, zAAPs are supported only by z/OS 1.6 and later operating
systems. Any other operating system cannot use zAAPs, even if they are defined to the
logical partition. zAAPs are not supported for a z/OS guest under z/VM.