
C/C++ IBM Open Class
Library: As previously announced
in Software Announcement 203-131, dated May 13, 2003,
the application development support (that is, the head-
ers, source, sidedecks, objects, and samples from the
Application Support Class and Collection Class libraries)
is withdrawn from the C/C++ IBM Open Class Library
(IOC) in z/OS 1.5. Applications that use these IOC libraries
cannot be compiled nor linked using z/OS 1.5. Run-time
support for the execution of existing applications that use
IOC libraries is provided with z/OS 1.5, but is planned to
be removed in a future release.
z/OS 64-bit C/C++ environment: z/OS 1.6 delivers the
capability to exploit 64-bit virtual in developing and
deploying new applications that require a signifi cantly
larger addressability of data. This capability is provided
with enhanced UNIX System Services, 64-bit Language
Environment (LE) run-time developed with the C/C++ com-
piler 64-bit support, and the Program Management Binder
64-bit support. The availability of this support completes
the major steps of the z/OS 64-bit virtual roadmap.
SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, 1.4 provides a
full-function Software Development Kit (SDK) at the Java
2 technology level, compliant with the Sun SDK 1.4 APIs.
With SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4, cus-
tomers can:
Test and deploy Java applications at the Java 2 SDK 1.4
API level
Continue the “write once, run anywhere” Java paradigm
at the Java 2 API level
Take advantage of the new Java 2 function, including
XML and Web services
Continue to take advantage of:
Common cross platform programming Security APIs
within Java framework
Java Record Input/Output (JRIO) APIs to provide
record-oriented access to VSAM datasets, System
catalogs, and PDS directory
Persistent reusable JVM technology for CICS, IMS,
and DB2
Leverage traditional zSeries software and server ben-
efi ts: scalability, reliability, availability, performance and
IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, 1.4
(5655-I56) provides a full-function Software Development
Kit (SDK) at the Java 2 technology level, compliant with the
Sun SDK 1.4 APIs. With 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Tech-
nology Edition 1.4, you can run Java applications that were
previously storage constrained.
The Java SDK for z/OS is available via download from the
IBM ^ zSeries Java Web site and by tape from IBM
Software Delivery and Fulfi llment (SDF) in SMP/E format.
For additional information about zSeries and Java prod-
ucts, go to: ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/software/
z/OS provides Unicode Callable System Services – code
page and case conversions from EBCDIC to Unicode:
DB2 V7 is the fi rst exploiter
New hardware instruction on zSeries servers has been
implemented to provide superior performance
Unicode Normalization Services allows programmers to
decompose or compose characters from another code
page and can apply normalization forms to have the
same meaning.