6947ch01.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
16 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
The z990 server implements two fully redundant interfaces, known as the Power Service
Control Network (PSCN), between the two Support Elements and the CPC. Error detection
and automatic switch-over between the two redundant Support Elements provides enhanced
reliability and availability.
1.3.12 Concurrent upgrades
The z990 servers have concurrent upgrade capability via the Capacity Upgrade on Demand
(CUoD) function. This function is also used by Customer Initiated Upgrades (CIUs) and by the
Capacity BackUp (CBU) feature implementation; following are more details.
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD)
Capacity Upgrade on Demand offers server upgrades via Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
enabling. CUoD can concurrently add processors (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zAAPs), and memory
to an existing configuration when no hardware changes are required, resulting in an upgraded
server. Also I/O features can be added concurrently.
However, adequate planning is required. Proper models and memory card sizes must be
used, and the Plan Ahead feature with concurrent conditioning enablement is recommended
in order to ensure that all required infrastructure components are available.
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU)
Customer Initiated Upgrades are Web-based solutions for customers ordering and installing
upgrades via IBM Resource Link and the z990 Remote Support Facility (RSF). A CIU
requires a special contract and registration with IBM. The CIU uses the CUoD function to
allow concurrent upgrades for processors (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zAAPs), and memory,
resulting in an upgraded server.
As a CUoD, it also requires proper planning with respect to z990 model and memory card
sizes. CIU is
not available for I/O upgrades.
On/Off Capacity Upgrade on Demand (On/Off CoD)
On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD) for z990 gives the customer the ability to
temporarily turn on unowned PUs available within the current model. This capability allows
customers to add capacity (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zAAPs) temporarily to meet peak workload
The customer has to accept contractual terms for On/Off CoD to use this capability; activation
of the additional capacity uses the CIU process. The usage is monitored and customer incurs
additional charges for both the hardware and software until the added capacity is deactivated.
Capacity BackUp (CBU)
Capacity BackUp (CBU) is a temporary upgrade for customers who have a requirement for a
robust disaster/recovery solution. It requires a special contract with IBM. CBU can
concurrently add CPs to an existing configuration when another customer’s servers are
experiencing unplanned outages.
Note: The On/Off CoD capability can coexist with Capacity BackUp (CBU) enablement.
Both On/Off CoD and CBU LIC-CC can be installed on a z990 server, but the On/Off CoD
activation and CBU activation are mutually exclusive.