
WLM Improvements for WebSphere
z/OS 1.5 can simplify WLM control for WebSphere.
Customers now have the choice to manually defi ne
WebSphere application environments for WLM or have
WebSphere defi ne them as and when required.
Performance block reporting for enclaves and multi-period
classes are designed to provide improved workload bal-
ancing for middleware applications such as WebSphere.
WLM Enqueue Management establishes a new interface to
allow reporting of resource contention. The priority of the
task holding the enqueue can be increased to allow the
resource to be released more quickly.
Data Management with DFSMS
DFSMS comprises a suite of related data and storage
management functions for the z/OS system. DFSMSdfp is
a base element of z/OS which performs the essential data,
storage and device management functions of z/OS. One
function of DFSMSdfp is the Storage Management Subsys-
tem (SMS). SMS helps automate and centralize the man-
agement of storage based on the customer’s policies for
availability, performance, space, and security. Using SMS,
the storage administrator defi nes policies that can auto-
mate the management of storage and hardware devices.
These policies describe data allocation characteristics,
performance and availability goals, backup and retention
requirements, and storage requirements for the system.
The other elements of DFSMS – DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm,
DFSMSrmm, and DFSMStvs, complement DFSMSdfp to
provide a comprehensive approach to data and storage
management. In a system-managed storage environment,
DFSMS can automate and centralize storage manage-
ment based on the policies that your installation defi nes for
availability, performance, space, and security. With these
optional features enabled, you can take full advantage of
all the functions that DFSMS offers.
DFSMShsm can perform space management functions
along with disaster recovery functions such as Advanced
Copy Services and aggregate backup and recovery sup-
port (ABARS). DFSMSdss can provide backup, restore
and copy services. DFSMSrmm provides tape manage-
ment services. Finally, DFSMStvs can provide coordinated
updates to multiple VSAM data sets at a transaction level,
providing high availability for CICS/VSAM by allowing con-
current access by batch applications.
z/OS 1.5 can help signifi cantly enhance application
backup with enhancements to DFSMShsm to utilize
volume level fast replication. The fast backup is designed
to exploit FlashCopy and the virtual concurrent copy capa-
bility of IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server and
IBM RAMAC Virtual Array (RVA) respectively. DFSMShsm
Fast Replication in z/OS 1.5 is also intended to provide a
fast, easy to use point-in-time backup and recovery solu-
tion specifi cally designed for DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) for z/OS V8. It is designed to allow fast, nondisrup-
tive backups to be taken at appropriate events when there
is minimum activity at the application level or when a fast
point-in-time backup is desired.
Parallel Sysplex
zSeries Parallel Sysplex technology provides industry-
leading availability by allowing z/OS workloads to be bal-
anced across multiple servers to provide near continuous