6947ch03.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
104 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
Integrated Cluster Bus-4, ICB-4 (Peer mode), feature code 3393
Integrated Cluster Bus-3, ICB-3 (Peer mode) feature code 0993
Integrated Cluster Bus-2, ICB-2 (Compatibility mode), feature code 0992
Internal Channel, IC (Peer mode): no feature code, Licensed Internal Code (LIC) function
defined via HCD/IOCP
ISC-3 link
The z990 ISC-3 feature is made up of the following feature codes:
ISC-3 Mother Card (feature code 0217)
ISC-3 Daughter Card (feature code 0218)
ISC-3 Port (feature code 0219)
The z990 ISC-3 mother card occupies one slot in the I/O cage. The ISC-3 mother card
supports up to two ISC-3 daughter cards. Each ISC-3 daughter card has two independent
ports with one PCHID associated with each active port. The ISC-3 ports are activated via
Licensed Internal Code Configuration Control (LIC-CC).
When the quantity of ISC links (FC 0219) is selected, the quantity of ISC-3 Port features
selected determines the appropriate number of ISC-3 mother and daughter cards to be
included in the configuration, up to a maximum of 12 ISC-M cards. Additional ISC-M cards
can be ordered, up to the number of ISC-D features or twelve, whichever is smaller.
Each active ISC-3 port supports connection to a 2 Gbps (ISC-3 Peer mode) or 1Gbps (ISC-3
Compatibility mode) Coupling link via 9 micron single mode fiber optic cable terminated with
an LC-Duplex connector.
ISC features on G5/G6 and earlier servers have Fiber Optic Sub Assemblies (FOSA) that
support SC-Duplex cable connectors. These existing single mode HiPerLink cables can be
reused by attaching a single mode fiber LC-Duplex to SC-Duplex conversion cable. This is a
2 m cable that is connected between the z990 server ISC-3 port and the existing HiPerlink
cable from the G5/G6 server.
RPQ 8P2197: Extended distance option
The RPQ 8P2197 ISC-3 daughter card has two links per card. Both links are active when
installed and do not need to be activated via LIC.
Note: Existing SC-Duplex 50 micron multimode fiber cable infrastructure may be reused
with the z990 ISC-3 port features in Compatibility mode (1 Gbps) only. The use of these
multimode cable types requires a Mode Conditioner Patch (MCP) cable to be used at each
end of the fiber link. Use of the single-mode to multimode MCP cables reduces the
supported optical distance of the link to 550 meters.
Fiber optic conversion kits and Mode Conditioning Patch (MCP) cables are not
orderable as features on z990. Fiber optic cables, cable planning, labeling, and
installation are all customer responsibilities for new z990 installations and upgrades.
IBM Fiber Cabling Services offer a total cable solution service to help with your cable
ordering needs, and is highly recommended.