
Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.13.02
Release K.13.02
The following problems were resolved in release K.13.02.
Enhancement (PR_1000458124) — VRRP Preemptive Delay Timer. For more
information, see “Release K.13.02 Enhancements” on page 71.
CLI (PR_1000307590) Tab-help error in the spanning-tree instance <instance
number> vlan <vlan number> command context.
CLI (PR_1000330684) Help text in the spanning-tree <port_id> context was updated.
CLI (PR_1000742426) — The CLI command copy usb pub-key-file doesn't provide all the
appropriate options.
Event Log (PR_1000751191) There is a misspelled event log message: chassis:
Insufficient power supplies.
Event Log (PR_1000757272) There may be corruption in PIM log messages.
DHCP Snooping (PR_1000757935) — DHCP Snooping may miss some packets in certain
Mirroring (PR_1000758793) When a mirror ACL is applied with multiple destinations,
only one of those destinations work properly. Beginning with K.13.02 software, there is only
one ACL mirror destination supported.
Mirroring (PR_1000758803) Applying a second mirror ACL using the same access
group number adds a conflicting mirror session rather than replacing the existing entry.
Mirroring (PR_1000758810) When an ACL used as a mirror ACL is modified, the mirror
does not get updated.
Mirroring (PR_1000758814) Applying a mirror ACL may overwrite a standard mirror
session (of the same number) rather than triggering an error stating that the mirror session
is already in use.
Counters (PR_1000758834) SFLOW counter-polling samples may be infrequent or they
may stop until the switch is rebooted.
IGMP (PR_1000739226) Some hosts or downstream devices may experience a
disruption in multicast data due to the loss of IGMPv3 reports.
VRRP (PR_1000401050) Turning on IP multicast routing without enabling PIM may
cause VRRP starvation.
SCP (PR_1000760416) — Software transferred through SCP upload becomes corrupted;
the image is successfully copied via SCP, but when the switch processes the image in copying
to flash, the write never completes.