Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.12.05
Release K.12.05
The following problems were resolved in release K.12.05.
■ BootROM (PR_1000402707) — BootROM does not update to latest version when updating
code to primary flash.
■ CLI (PR_1000309998) — Management module is incorrectly displayed as J8627A rather
than the correct J8726A product number in response to the show modules command.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000408960) — RADIUS-Assigned GVRP VLANs enhancement. For
more information, see “Release K.12.05 Enhancements” on page 36.
■ Menu (PR_1000392862) — The menu will allow invalid values (greater than 720 sec) to
be entered for the SNTP poll interval.
Release K.12.06
Software never released.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000308332) — Passwords (hashed) are saved to the configuration
file. For more information, see “Release K.12.06 Enhancements” on page 43.
Release K.12.07
The following problems were resolved in release K.12.07.
■ Config (PR_1000405639) — Various characters in configuration file names (including
dash, ampersand, plus, and spaces within quotes) result in truncated names after reboot.
This is not just a display issue; the command erase config <filename> does not remove a file
containing the problem characters.
■ Config (PR_1000410790) — Errors are returned when applying the interface <port-list>
speed-duplex auto-10-100 command to interfaces 45 through 48 on a 3500yl-48G-PWR switch.
■ Crash (PR_1000410758) — When the interface <port-list> speed-duplex auto-10-100
command is issued on a range of ports, the switch may crash with a message similar to:
NMI event HW:IP=0x0083f224 MSR:0x00029210 LR:0x0033c3c4
Task='tDevPollRx' Task ID=0x9137e50 cr: 0x20000022 sp:0x09137d78
■ RIP (PR_1000377789) — RIP restrict filters are not working upon reboot.
■ RMON (PR_1000410885) — RMON alarms/thresholds set via SNMP are cleared after