
Software Management
Best Practices for Major Software Updates
b. Create a backup configuration file and verify the change.
Switch1# copy config config1 config config2
Switch1# show config files
Configuration files:
id | act pri sec | name
1 | * * * | config1
2 | | config2
3 | |
3. Save the current config to a tftp server using the copy tftp command. For example:
Switch1# copy startup-config tftp Switch1_config_K_12_57.cfg
This step is necessary because ProCurve does not support roll back (going from a newer software
version to an older software version) without the ability to copy a backup config file onto the device.
4. Backup your current running image (primary) to the secondary image.
Switch1# copy flash flash secondary
Switch1# show flash
Image Size(Bytes) Date Version
----- ---------- -------- -------
Primary Image : 6782942 12/07/07 K.12.57
Secondary Image : 6782942 12/07/07 K.12.57
Boot Rom Version: K.12.12
Default Boot : Primary
5. Set your secondary image to boot with Config2.
Switch1# startup-default secondary config config2
Switch1# show config files
Configuration files:
id | act pri sec | name
1 | * * | config1
2 | * | config2
3 | |