Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.11.65
Release K.11.65
The following problems were resolved in release K.11.65 (not a general release)
■ Alarms/Log (PR_1000371908) — The ambient temperature measured by the 5406zl
chassis is 4 degrees C too high, causing the generation of false high temperature alarms.
■ CLI (PR_1000377318) — The output from the CLI command, 'show dhcp-relay' is truncated.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000379804) — Historical information about MAC addresses that
have been moved has been added to the "show tech" command output.
■ Menu/Counters (PR_1000370619) — The Menu Interface does not reflect changes to
SNMP OIDs for "IP Mgmt - Tx/Rx" counters; the counter always reads "0."
■ Syslog (PR_1000379802) — Forwarding of event log message to a configured syslog server
is not disabled when a specific event log message has been disabled via the MIB.
■ VRRP (PR_1000380627) — VRRP packets are received on a non-VRRP VLAN causing
excessive event log/syslog messages.
Release K.11.66
The following problems were resolved in release K.11.66 (not a general release)
■ CLI (PR_1000379455) — The output from some CLI "show" commands produces
incorrectly formatted output on the screen.
■ CLI (PR_1000309983) — Using the "show tech" command immediately after boot and
before the modules have initialized causes the command to fail, and leaves the user in an
unsupported CLI state.
■ CLI (PR_1000364628) — The command output from "show ip rip peer" yields an
improperly formatted peer IP address.
■ Meshing (PR_1000386393) — A 5412zl switch may crash with a bus error, when 4 Port
CX4 module (J8708A) in Slot L is configured for Meshing. The crash message is similar to
the following.
PPC Data Storage (Bus Error) exception vector 0x300:
Stack Frame=0x08af5298 HW Addr=0x4b5a697c IP=0x00372ed8
Task='mLdBalCtrl' Task 0 fp: 0x00000018
■ sFlow (PR_1000378885) — The sFlow samplePool for trunks is sometimes unchanged
between samples. This may cause inaccurate spikes in traffic monitoring applications that
measure the utilization on trunk ports.