fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide vii
■ Viewing the detailed settings for a job group ................ 216
■ Assigning job menus to users not included in a job
group ............................................................................ 216
■ Filtering the LDAP List .................................................. 218
Chapter 5 Administrator Operations (Central Admin
Console) ............................................................. 223
5.1 Function List ................................................................ 224
5.2 Using Central Admin Console Window ..................... 227
5.3 Central Admin Console Quick Guide ......................... 229
5.4 Pre-settings for Using Central Admin Console ........ 231
5.4.1 Installing the Central Admin Server Software.................... 231
■ Importing the Certificate ............................................... 235
5.4.2 Installing the Central Admin Console ................................ 236
5.4.3 Setting up a Firewall for the Central Admin Server ........... 239
5.4.4 Configuring the Scanner Settings for Central Admin
Management...................................................................... 239
5.4.5 Uninstalling the Central Admin Server
Software/Console .............................................................. 240
■ Uninstalling the Central Admin Server Software .......... 240
■ Uninstalling the Central Admin Console ....................... 240
5.5 Central Admin Server Login: via the Central Admin
Console ........................................................................ 241
5.6 Setting the Central Admin Server .............................. 244
[Change Administrator Password] button ..................... 245
■ [User Roaming Data (Select & Clear)] button .............. 245
■ Scanner Registration .................................................... 246
■ Network Connection ..................................................... 246
■ Screen Settings ............................................................ 247
■ LDAP Server ................................................................ 247
■ SharePoint Server Connection Settings ....................... 250