
fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide vii
Viewing the detailed settings for a job group ................ 216
Assigning job menus to users not included in a job
group ............................................................................ 216
Filtering the LDAP List .................................................. 218
Chapter 5 Administrator Operations (Central Admin
Console) ............................................................. 223
5.1 Function List ................................................................ 224
5.2 Using Central Admin Console Window ..................... 227
5.3 Central Admin Console Quick Guide ......................... 229
5.4 Pre-settings for Using Central Admin Console ........ 231
5.4.1 Installing the Central Admin Server Software.................... 231
Importing the Certificate ............................................... 235
5.4.2 Installing the Central Admin Console ................................ 236
5.4.3 Setting up a Firewall for the Central Admin Server ........... 239
5.4.4 Configuring the Scanner Settings for Central Admin
Management...................................................................... 239
5.4.5 Uninstalling the Central Admin Server
Software/Console .............................................................. 240
Uninstalling the Central Admin Server Software .......... 240
Uninstalling the Central Admin Console ....................... 240
5.5 Central Admin Server Login: via the Central Admin
Console ........................................................................ 241
5.6 Setting the Central Admin Server .............................. 244
[Change Administrator Password] button ..................... 245
[User Roaming Data (Select & Clear)] button .............. 245
Scanner Registration .................................................... 246
Network Connection ..................................................... 246
Screen Settings ............................................................ 247
LDAP Server ................................................................ 247
SharePoint Server Connection Settings ....................... 250