■ Operation Monitoring
Set whether to check the operating status of scanners.
z Check Operating Status
Select this checkbox to check the operating status of scanners.
z Operating Status Icon Labels
Select the type of character string to be shown below icons to indicate the scanner status on
the "Scanner Operation Monitor" window (page 281).
■ Error Notification Settings
Set whether to send a notification e-mail to the administrator if an error occurs.
A notification e-mail is sent when the "Error" event log occurs.
If an error of the same code occurs more than once continuously within a minute, a notification e-
mail is sent only for the first occurrence of the error.
z Send error notification e-mails
Select this checkbox to send a notification e-mail to the administrator when an error occurs.
z SMTP Server
Set the IP address of the SMTP server, host name, or FQDN.
z SMTP Server Port Number
Enter the number of the port to be used for communication between the scanners and
SMTP server. Input a value between 1 and 65535.
The default value is 25.
z Recipient e-Mail Address
Set the recipient e-mail address for the administrator.
z Sender e-Mail Address
Set the sender e-mail address.
z [Test] button
Send a test e-mail to confirm that the e-mail address set in [Recipient e-Mail Address] can
receive error notification e-mails correctly.
■ Data Import/Export
Set the character code for input/output files.
z CSV File Charset
Select the charset of CSV files to be used for scanner configuration import/export or event
■ Log Retention
Sets the number of days to keep the event log.
z Keep records for
Select the maximum number of days to keep the event log.
The default is 30 days.