■ Deleting a job sequence
This section describes how to delete a job sequence.
1. Select the [Job Sequences] tab.
The "Jobs List" window appears.
2. Select the job sequence to be deleted.
3. Select the [Delete] button.
The confirmation window appears.
4. Select the [OK] button.
The job sequence is deleted.
■ Filtering job sequences
This section describes how to filter job sequences.
1. Select the [Job Sequences] tab.
The "Jobs List" window appears.
2. Enter [Job Name] and [Comment].
Enter either a part of or full [Job Name] and [Comment] for the job sequence(s) to be fil-
"Job Name" may be up to 64 characters long.
"Comment" may be up to 256 characters long.
3. Select the [Find] button.
The filtered results appear.
To display all results, delete all information for [Job Name] and [Com-
ment], and then select the [Find] button.