
5.15 Viewing Event Log
Event logs output from the scanners or the Central Admin Server can be viewed.
The latest 100 event log items can be viewed on the "Scanner Admin Operations" window.
z Log for all events that occur on the Central Admin Server
z Log for events that occur in the scanners, where "Type" is "Error" or "Warning"
To view all event logs, check the "Event Log" window.
The "Event Log" window is displayed by selecting the [Event Log] button in the Central Admin
Console main window.
[Download] button
Shows the "Save As" window to specify a file to output event logs.
The default file name is "execlog.csv".
When downloaded to a computer, the file will contain CSV format data. The file is saved in the fol-
lowing form:
The types are, E: Error, W: Warning, I: Info.
[Clear Log] button
Clears all event logs.
Filter Conditions
Filters the events displayed in the event log list.
z Origin
Select the origin of the events to be displayed.
z Server
Shows the events that occurred in the Central Admin Server.
z Scanner
Shows the events that occurred in each scanner.