RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Reviewing the Overlaminates
IMPORTANT! Fargo Card Printers require highly specialized overlaminates to function
properly. To maximize Printer life, reliability, printed card quality and durability, you must use
only Fargo Certified Supplies. For this reason, the Fargo warranty is void, where not
prohibited by law, if you use non-Fargo Certified Supplies. To order additional materials,
please contact the authorized reseller.
Reviewing the Thermal Transfer Film and PolyGuard Overlaminates
Term Description Cross Reference
Transfer Film
The Card Lamination Module will accept
either a Thermal Transfer Film overlaminate
or a Polyester Patch Overlaminate called
• Thermal Transfer Film: The Thermal
Transfer Film overlaminate is a relatively
thin material which covers a card Edge-
to-Edge and provides a medium level of
card durability and security.)
• PolyGuard Overlaminate: PolyGuard
is a much thicker material which does
not cover Edge-to-Edge, but provides an
extremely high level of card durability
and security. (Note: PolyGuard is
available in either a 1.0 or .6 mil
thickness and should always be used for
those applications requiring the highest
degree of card durability and security.)
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