RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Printer Components: LCD and Softkey Control Pad
The Printer provides a four line, eighty (80) character LCD Displays that can communicate
helpful information about the Printer's operation.
• The top three lines of the LCD Display will always be used to communicate print status,
error messages and menu options.
• The bottom line of the LCD Display will always be used to communicate the current
function of the Printer's softkey buttons.
This section describes how the LCD Display and Softkey Control Pad work together.
Component Description
The Printer has three softkey buttons that appear below the LCD
Display. Their current function is indicated by the words appearing
above them. This function will change according to the Printer's current
mode of operation.
• Press the corresponding softkey button under the choice you want
to select. If no word appears above a particular button, this
indicates it has no function in that particular mode of operation. The
Printer also has another type of button on its control pad called
scroll buttons. These buttons are located just to the right of the LCD
• Use these buttons to scroll through help text, to navigate through
the Printer's menus and to adjust certain Printer settings.
LCD Display The Printer's LCD Display will change according to the Printer's current
mode of operation.