RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Resolving the FPGA Error
Symptom: An unexpected hardware error has occurred.
Step Procedure
1 Reboot the Printer.
2 If the problem persists, the Main Print Board will need to be replaced.
3 As an alternative to replacing the Main Print Board, the chip U34 may be
replaced. (Note: Fargo recommends that only a qualified electronics
technician perform this procedure.)
Sensor Testing
Step Procedure
1 Check the voltage to determine if a Sensor is working.
2 a. Test the voltage of each Sensor using ground (GRD = Chassis) to the
correct pin on each connector. See Sensor Location and Voltages
table below).
b. Block a slot Sensor with a card.
c. Cover a reflective Sensor with a card.
3 a. Troubleshoot the Ribbon Sensor by using the RibbonTraq marks on the
Ribbon and Film to cover the Ribbon and Film Sensors. (Note: The
numbers indicate the location on J9, as shown in the Sensor Location
and Voltages table below).
b. Open the upper Module to find the Ribbon Sensor orientation. (Note:
The numbers indicate the location on J9, as shown in the Sensor
Location and Voltages table below.)