Pressure Systems, Inc. NetScanner™ System (9016, 9021, & 9022) User’s Manual
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NOTE: With the exception of binary formats 7 and 8, all other
formats include a leading space in each datum delivered
in each stream packet.
The ‘f’ parameter identifies the format of each selected acquired datum in each
stream packet, and is a single numeric digit. Valid format codes are listed in the
following table:
converts each internal selected acquired datum value from.. max. char.
0 single binary float to 7-10-digit signed decimal “ [-xxx]x.xxxxxx” 13
1 single binary float to 8-digit hex integer “ xxxxxxxx” 9
2 double binary float to 16-digit hex integer “ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” 17
5 single binary float to long integer (EU*1000) then to 8-digit hex integer 9
7 single binary float to single binary float (big endian: msb first) 4
8 single binary float to single binary float (little endian: lsb first) 4
Unless the EU conversion scalar is altered, the returned pressure data will be in units
of psi. (See command ‘v’, array 11, coefficient 01 for other units.
The number of stream packets (‘num’) parameter is a positive integer count (from
0 to 2147483647, specified with 1 to 10 numeric digits as needed). It sets a finite
limit on the number of packets delivered in the host data stream. The value 0 for
this parameter requests “continuous” output packets for the defined host stream