
Pressure Systems, Inc. NetScanner™ System (9016, 9021, & 9022) User’s Manual
E - 1
Appendix E
System Range Codes
The following range codes are stored in each DH200 and digital 9400 and 9401 pressure
transducer. The range code of each transducer can be read through the Read Internal Coefficient
(‘u’) command. Standard Range Codes are shown in Bold and Italics.
Range Code Full Scale Pressure Minimum Calibration
1 ±0.360 psi (±10" Water Column) -0.360 psi
2 ±0.720 psi (±20" Water Column) -0.720 psi
3 ±1 psid -1.0 psi
4 ±2.5 psid -2.5 psi
5 ±5 psid -5 psi
6 10 psid -5 psi
7 15 psid -5 psi
8 30 psid -5 psi
9 45 psi 0 psi
10 100 psi 0 psi
11 250 psi 0 psi
12 500 psi 0 psi
13 600 psi 0 psi
14 300 psi 0 psi
15 750 psi 0 psi
16 10 psid -10 psi