Pressure Systems, Inc. NetScanner™ System (9016, 9021, & 9022) User’s Manual
3 - 79
3.3 Obsolete Commands
Users of older model 9010, 9015, and 9020 modules will notice that several previously documented
commands are missing. Most of these missing commands were “standard” Optomux commands
that were never of functional value for NetScanner
System modules. This is mainly because of
basic design philosophy differences between PSI and vendors of other less capable Optomux
modules. These commands were included in the original NetScanner
System/9000 System
documentation and module firmware for compatibility with third party software packages. Such
commands have now been removed from the NetScanner
System documentation in the interest
of easier learning and product simplicity. They may still continue to exist in newer firmware
versions of several older models. However, they are not available in the 9016, 9021, and 9022
models, and will eventually be removed from all NetScanner
System firmware.
Obsolete commands fall into three classes:
! dummy commands (that executed but essentially did nothing),
! duplicate commands (with capabilities less than (or the same as) other “alternative” commands),
! piecemeal commands (that executed only parts of other “complete” commands).
Obsolete dummy commands include:
‘C’ Set Turn-Around Delay,
‘G’ Configure Positions,
‘H’ Configure as Inputs;
and users should remove any usage of these from host programs if use of newer NetScanner
System modules is contemplated.
Obsolete duplicate commands include:
‘j’ Read Module Configuration, and
‘M’ Read and Average Analog Inputs;
which should be replaced by commands Read Module Status (‘q’) and Read Scaled Analog Inputs
(‘L’) or Read High Precision Data (‘r’).
Obsolete piecemeal commands include:
‘T’ Start Input Averaging,
‘I’ Read Average Completion Bits,
‘U’ Read Input Averaged Data,
‘g’ Calculate Offsets,
‘W’ Set Offsets,
‘X’ Calculate Gains,
‘Y’ Set Gains;