
Pressure Systems, Inc. NetScanner™ System (9016, 9021, & 9022) User’s Manual
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After NUSS has finished downloading the new firmware, wait approximately 30
seconds for your NetScanner
System module to reset before closing NUSS, else the
newly installed firmware may be unreliable.
WARNING: While updating module firmware, DO NOT power-cycle your scanner, or
your PC. If the firmware update procedure is interrupted by any of these practices, the
module may be left in a “permanent” inoperable state with no operable firmware to
reboot it. The ONLY acceptable way to interrupt the firmware update process is to
select “Abort Download” before the memory begins to be overwritten. In the event of
such failure, module operation can only be restored by unplugging the “bad” memory
chip and installing a “good” memory chip containing a valid working firmware
5.4 Upgrading Module Firmware
All NetScanner
System Intelligent Pressure Scanner modules contain electronically re-
programmable memory devices that store the module firmware. Pressure Systems will provide
new releases of module firmware for enhanced instrument performance whenever updates or
modifications are made. All scanner modules may have their firmware downloaded via their
Ethernet Host Port. This allows for firmware upgrade while the module is installed in its normal
communications network environment. Any new firmware releases may be obtained free of
charge by downloading from PSI’s internet home page at www.PressureSystems.com.
Download links can be found on the home page and in the information page for each model
(e.g., Model 9016, Model 9022, etc.). All firmware is stored as a self-extracting .ZIP file. Once
downloaded from the internet, simply execute the download file to extract the archived file(s).
5.2.1 Upgrading Firmware Via Host TCP/IP Port
New firmware for your NetScanner
System Intelligent Pressure Scanners, may be upgraded
by the host computer, or any computer on the TCP/IP network, directly via the module’s Host
Port. The PSI application called NetScanner
Unified Startup Software (NUSS), is provided
for this purpose. It is recommended that NUSS (and any new firmware update file) be installed
to a suitable subdirectory of your hard disk for better performance. Installation instructions for
this support software are provided with the application. Ensure that the TCP/IP
communications is properly configured for the PC running the application.
NUSS is provided to all customers who have purchased NetScanner
System Intelligent
Pressure Scanners. This application has its own User’s Manual and both may be downloaded
from PSI’s Web site, www.PressureSystems.com.