
CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Top Ten Tips for Installing Vinyl Siding
CertainTeed provides quality vinyl siding and accessories that are
backed by one of the industry’s best warranties. However, even
the best products fall short of expectations if they are not installed
properly. Following these ten recommendations—the basics of a
professional installation—can help ensure a quality installation that
fullls homeowners’ expectations and reduces call backs.
1. Install all siding and accessories over a smooth, at surface.
Always install siding over a rigid sheathing, and never install it
over open studs.
2. Vinyl siding is not a watertight material. Install a weather-resistant
barrier, like CertainTeed CertaWrap and ash around all windows
and doors before installing vinyl siding and trim.
3. There are three recommended ways to cut vinyl siding:
For rip cuts, score the panel with a knife or vinyl blade and bend
the panel back and forth. Use aviator snips or shears to t panels
around windows and doors. For cross cuts, use a circular saw with
a plywood blade in the reverse position.
4. Always leave room for expansion and contraction into receiving
channels like outside cornerposts, inside cornerposts, and
J-channel. If the temperature is above 40°, leave 1/4"; if the
temperature is below 40°, leave 3/8".
5. When installing horizontal vinyl siding panels 12' 6" in length or
shorter, overlap the factory notches 1" to 1-1/4" (depending on the
6. Always nail in the center of the nail slots: 16" on center for siding;
8" to 12" for accessories.
7. DO NOT NAIL TIGHT! Always leave 1/8" to 1/16" between the nail
head and the wall surface to allow for movement when the panel
expands and contracts.
8. Hang vertical accessories from the top of the top nail slot.
If the accessory is longer than 12', hang it from the top two
nail slots.
9. Lap away from the highest trafc pattern, typically the front of the
house. Keep laps at least 3' apart from course to course, and
install three courses between laps above each other.
10. Finish the last piece of siding into utility trim or dual utility trim.
Scan for our latest Vinyl
and Polymer Siding
Installation video.