CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Band Board
Installing Band Board
Before you begin, determine where the last course of siding will
end. Nail cornice receiver loosely every 8" to 10", with the nailing
fin facing up. Keep the cornice receiver straight as it establishes
the line for the Band Board.
Install the last course of siding 1/4" below the cornice receiver.
If necessary, trim the top of the siding panel to fit below the cornice
receiver. With a nail slot punch, punch nail slots 16" apart, 1/4"
from the panel’s upper edge. Nail through the center of the holes
for a loose fit between the panel surface and the nail heads.
Cut Band Board to length, allowing for clearance between the
Band Board ends and the trim for expansion and contraction.
Push the snap leg of the Band Board into the cornice receiver.
Nail the Band Board loosely every 10" to 12".
Fitting into trim pieces
The Band Board is designed to fit into CedarBoards J-Channel,
Corner and lineal 1-1/4" accessories.
For lengths less than 12', allow 1/4" gap between the ends and
the trim at temperatures above 40°F; 3/8" gap at temperatures
below 40°F.
For lengths greater than 12', allow 3/8" gap between the
ends and the trim at temperatures above 40° F; 1/2" gap
at temperatures below 40° F.
When using the Band Board in installations with accessories
that DO NOT have a 1-1/4" pocket, be sure to allow clearance
between the two pieces for expansion. Trim a short section of
Band Board to create an end cap for these applications.
Installing siding above Band Board
There are two ways to continue siding above the Band Board:
• For horizontal siding, use a starter strip. Position the starter
strip above the Band Board enough to allow the siding return
leg to engage the starter strip.
• For vertical siding, use J-channel. Align the nail slots of the
J-channel with the nail slots of the Band Board.
NOTE: When nailing a starter strip, avoid pinning the
Band Board. The Band Board must be allowed to
expand and contract freely.
nail with fin facing up
push snap leg of band board
into cornice receiver