CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Angle the panel into the cornerpost and slide to the left until the
side tabs clear. Next, slide the panel to the right until you have the
correct temperature marks on the panel lined up.
Install the top section of Mitered Cornerpost. Leave 1/4" between
the top corner piece and the cornice receiver.
NOTE: Depending upon the area of the D9 Staggered
Rough-Split panel you finish with, you may have to install
furring behind the cornice receiver to accommodate the
thickness of the Rough-Split panel.
Snap the cornice molding into the cornice receiver. The cornice
molding should be 1/4" from the edge of the wall.
Hook the top of the cornice cap over the end of the cornice
moldings and snap the bottom into place. Alternately, you can
slide the cornice cap over one of the cornice moldings until the
other cornice molding can be inserted.
cornice cap
1/4" from the edge
cornice receiver