CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
D7" Straight Edge Rough-Split Shakes
Panel Spacing at Different Temperatures
See pages 94 and 95.
NOTE: Do not drive center-pin nails tight. Leave 1/8"–1/16"
between the nail head and the panel to allow the panel to
move freely during normal expansion and contraction.
First course
Strike a level line around the house and install Cedar Impressions
Metal Starter.
If you plan to use Cedar Impressions Mitered Cornerpost, make
sure the starter strip is installed to the edge of the corner.
An alternative method of starting Cedar Impressions is to use
J-channel in place of starter strip to receive the bottom edge of
the panel.
If you are planning to use mitered corners, you MUST use an
A + B cut pattern to start each course. This pattern ensures proper
fit into mitered corners.
Cut the end of the top course of the panel at indicator “A”
which is located above the nail slots.
Starting on the right side of the wall, hook the bottom locking
leg of the panel into the starter strip and slide the panel into the
cornerpost or receiving channel. Leave 1/4" space between the
panel and the corner for expansion. If you are planning to install
the Mitered Cornerpost, space the panel 3" from the corner.
Fasten the panel to the wall by first nailing through the round
center hole in the nailing hem at the top of the panel. Continue
nailing the panel with 5 nails: one in the right-end nail slot and one
at each of the QuickReference
Nail Mark Indicators. Leave 1/8"
to 1/16" between the nail heads and the panel to allow freedom of
movement during normal expansion and contraction.
Install the next panel by positioning it below the starter strip and
next to the first panel. Push in and up to lock the panel into the
starter strip and the side tabs of the first panel, as shown. Space
the second panel according to the panel temperature at the
corresponding temperature indicator lines.
Nail the panel into position starting with the round center hole and
then placing the next nail in the right-end nail slot (which overlaps
the previous panel’s left-end slot) so that the nail goes through
both panels’ nail slots simultaneously. Continue nailing the rest of
the panel as described above.
Continue to install remaining panels of first course as
described above.
When a window or doorway breaks a course, continue the
application as if the opening were not there.
quick reference
nail mark indicators
PRO TIP: When installing Cedar Impressions
over foam insulation, extra care needs to be
taken to verify that adequate space is left
between all nail heads and the panel.