CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Vertical Siding
NOTE: Never install vinyl siding over open furring strips or
studs. Always check with your local building code official.
With vertical siding, however, you may have to complete an
extra step to provide solid nailing points along the vertical
edge of the siding panel. The need for this added step
depends on the type of substrate used and the nature of the
construction project.
With new construction or remodeling using plywood or wood
composite, there are no additional steps. You can nail into plywood
and wood composite substrates at any point as long as you do not
exceed 12" on center.
In new construction using rigid foam or fiber sheathing, you must
install solid wood nailer strips horizontally to studs before applying
sheathing. Use 1" x 3" wood furring positioned 12" on center. For
further information regarding applying wood furring over stucco,
please refer to page 32.
When remodeling over existing wood siding, you must apply rigid
foam or fiber sheathing, shimming if necessary to create a level
surface. When remodeling over brick, block, stucco or irregular
wall surfaces, apply furring strips horizontally to create a level
surface; then apply rigid foam or fiber sheathing.
Installing Trim
When installing CedarBoards products, use specially designed
1-1/4" accessories at corners and around windows, doors and
other openings.
Top and bottom J-channel
Unlike the preparation for horizontal siding, do not install a starter
strip for vertical siding. J-channel is used to frame the top and
bottom of the vertical panels.
• Snap a base line 1" above the low part of the house. Apply
1-1/4" J-channel along the top and bottom of the wall to
receive the siding panels.
• Install the bottom J-channel, and overlap the J-channels
3/4". To do this, cut out a 1" section of the nailing flange
and face return.
• Install inverted J-channel along the top of the wall, under the
eave. Leave a 1/4" gap between J-channel and cornerposts.
Overlap J-channels 3/4" to allow for expansion.
• For water drainage, drill 1/8" diameter weep holes in the
base of the J-Channel no more than 16" apart.
nail through furring
1" x 3" furring
always position topmost nail
in topmost full nail slot with
vertical applications
1/2" foam sheathing
1/2" foam sheathing