Requirements for receiving a page or intercom call
In order to receive a page or intercom call, the receiving user must have the following:
Q A properly-configured ADSI digital or SIP phone that supports the feature. For a list of
supported phones, see Installing TeleVantage. Phones that do not support this feature
(like regular analog phones) will also receive intercom connections and pages if they are
in hands-free mode (see
“Using hands-free answering” on page 4-4).
Q No active call.
If one or more of these requirements are not met (for example, if the user is on a call), the page
or intercom connection is not made.
Note: If you have an ADSI phone, receiving an intercom or page causes the message waiting
light to blink for the duration of the call, even though you have no new voice messages.
Blocking pages and intercom with Do Not Disturb
Users who have the personal status Do Not Disturb selected do not receive pages or intercom
calls. See “Sending your calls straight to voicemail with Do Not Disturb” on page 5-10.
With shared stations, the personal status of the user currently logged in is the one used. With all
other personal statuses you can receive pages and intercom connections, even if the
field is set to No.
Paging and intercom considerations
Keep the following in mind when making a page or intercom call:
Q Pages and intercom calls always connect to the receiving user’s default station, even if
the user has forwarded his or her calls elsewhere. Users with a station ID of 0 cannot
receive pages or intercom calls.
Q Pages and intercom connections do not show up in TeleVantage ViewPoint’s Call
Monitor folder (see
Chapter 11), or the Call Log (see Chapter 14).
Q When you place a page, there can be a delay before you hear the connection beep and
can begin speaking. The bigger the workgroup being paged, the greater the potential
Q When you place a page, you can speak for 30 seconds after the beep, and then the page
terminates automatically. Your system administrator can adjust this time limit.
Note: It is possible that a page will not connect to all paged phones. If you find that people who
should have received your page did not, speak to your system administrator about increasing the
PageRequestTimeout time.