personal status (cont’d.)
changing another user’s, 9-14
changing yours. See personal statuses/selecting
creating custom, 9-6
in call rules, 17-8
list for call center queue agents, 9-4
list of pre-defined, 9-3
modifying, 9-6
preferences for call handling, 9-7
recording names for, 9-7
using the phone, 5-10
using the status bar button, 9-3
using ViewPoint, 9-5
setting as default, 9-13
table of telephone commands to select, A-8
viewing in Extensions list, 10-2
personal status defaults, defined, 9-12
Personal Statuses folder, 9-9
audio output from, 8-12
changing ViewPoint’s, 8-4
remote. See remote phone use
ringing of. See ringer
ringing when you leave a call on hold, 18-9
sharing with other users, 7-2
phone notifications for new voice mail, 13-14
phone numbers, checking, 12-9
"Phone" pane on status bar, 8-12
PINs, for contacts, 16-12
Place Call command, 12-6
placing calls
by clicking shortcuts, 12-11
directly to voice mail, 3-4
from a queue, B-8
from another user’s phone, 3-2
from Extensions list, 10-5
from other contact manager applications, 1-3
over Internet using the phone, 3-6
over Internet using ViewPoint, 12-9
pages and intercom calls, 3-6
placing calls (cont’d.)
quickly from ViewPoint folders, 12-6
through system from a remote phone, 6-7
to contacts, 12-3
to extensions, 12-4
to My Numbers, 12-4
to workgroups, 12-4
using dialing services, 12-8
using the dial bar, 12-2
using the phone, 3-3, 12-2
while on another call, 3-5
with hands-free answering, 4-5
play button, 8-26
"Please say your name" prompt
about, 4-3
turning off, 18-7
popping up caller information, B-9
Prevent Switching Folders command, 8-16
of call rules, 17-9
of greetings, 13-20
contacts, 16-3
folders, 8-22
voice mail, 13-8
workgroups, 16-15
Problem Report Wizard, I-1
problems, reporting, I-1
"Call From"
overview, 4-2
turning off, 18-6
changing language of for contacts, 16-6
for account code, 3-3
for password with call forwarding, 15-5
for password with routing lists, 15-11
"Please say your name"
about, 4-3
turning off, 18-7
selecting language of, 18-6
to accept or decline calls from routing lists, 15-11