8.3 Lock Mode
The desk may be locked to prevent unauthorised modification to the show data. No memories or
sequences can be recorded, edited or deleted. The desk will still however output memories and
sequences. It is also not possible to change the patch or fixture selection.
To select Lock mode use the Lock soft-key. If the desk is unlocked the user will be asked to
enter the four digit lock code using the fader flash buttons. The default lock code of the Tiger is
0000. Having entered the correct code you have two options:
1. Change Code: this will allow you to input a unique code for the console. Please make
sure you remember this code or the desk will be locked permanently. You will need to
contact Chauvet Lighting for the master unlock code. Once you have input the code you
will return to the main Super User menu.
2. Lock: selecting this function will lock the console and no changes to the show data will
be possible. You will be returned to the main Super User menu. The word Lock will
flash on the LCD display to indicate the desk is now locked.
If the desk locked and the Lock soft-key is selected you will be prompted for the four digit unlock
code. If this is entered correctly the console will be unlocked and changes to show data can be
8.4 Reset
The Reset soft-key will set all the desk parameters to their default state. The default settings are
as follows:
Mode: Run
Memory Page: 1
Flash Mode: On
Sound Input: Off
Sequence Direction: Forward
Blackout: Off
Generic/Fixture Levels: All at 0%
Memories: All unprogrammed
Sequences: All unprogrammed
Fixtures: No Fixtures assigned or Patched
Generics: 18 channels patched to DMX channels 1 to 18
Auxiliaries: Unpatched, Momentary, Normal Mode, On=255, Off=0
Pan/Tilt LTP action: Fade
Other LTP action: Snap
Lock Code: 0000
Before resetting the console please be aware that you will lose all your current show data
including your fixture selection and patch. Any fixtures that have been loaded to the console will
also be lost and it will revert to the original fixture library supplied with the console.