
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to arrange,
stitch, rotate, enlarge, or reduce your image.
WWiinnddoowwss UUsseerrss:: UUnniinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee BBJJ SSoolluuttiioonn SSooffttwwaarree
TToo uunniinnssttaallll tthhee BBJJ SSoolluuttiioonn SSooffttwwaarree iinn WWiinnddoowwss::
Click Start, Programs. Click Canon Utilities, ZoomBrowser EX, then
ZoomBrowser Uninstall, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Click Start, Programs. Click Canon Utilities, PhotoStitch, then PhotoStitch
Uninstall, and follow the on-screen instructions.
MMaacciinnttoosshh UUsseerrss:: UUssiinngg YYoouurr SSooffttwwaarree
IInn tthhiiss sseeccttiioonn yyoouullll lleeaarrnn hhooww ttoo::
Start ImageBrowser
Print on Canon Photo Paper Pro
Merge photos to create a panoramamic view
SSttaarrttiinngg IImmaaggeeBBrroowwsseerr
TToo SSttaarrtt IImmaaggeeBBrroowwsseerr EEXX::
1. Make sure the images are on your hard drive or other
accessible media.
2. Double-click the Canon ImageBrowser icon on the desktop
to start the program.
Chapter 5
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