
82 Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide
• If you selected Contacts, a dialog box opens that lets you select a friend from your Contacts list and send that
friend a message.
• Tap the Select a Contact button. A window opens, listing your contacts. Tap on the name of the friend to
whom you want to lend the book.
• Tap in the Message field. When a keyboard appears, type a message to your friend. You might want to
mention why you like the book or why you think your friend would like the book.
• Tap the Send button to email your LendMe oer and message to your friend.
• If you selected Facebook, a dialog box opens that lets you post a LendMe oer on the Facebook wall of a friend.
• Tap the Select a Friend button, and tap on the name of the friend to whom you want to oer to lend the
• Tap in the Message field. When a keyboard appears, type a message to your friend. You might want to
mention why you like the book or why you think your friend would like the book.
• Tap the Post button to post the LendMe oer and message on your friend’s wall on Facebook.
Borrowing a Book
You can ask a NOOK Friend to lend you a book from his or her library.
To find out which of your NOOK Friends have lendable books, do this:
1. Launch the NOOK Friends application, if you haven’t already launched it. To launch NOOK Friends, do either of
the following:
• Tap the Apps button the Quick Nav Bar to display the apps installed on your NOOK. Tap the icon for
the NOOK Friends app to launch it.
• Tap the My Stu icon in the Media Bar of the Library, and tap the LendMe menu choice. On the LendMe
page, tap the red bar that says Borrow Books from Friends with the NOOK Friends App. This launches the
NOOK Friends app.
2. Once the NOOK Friends application is running, tap the LendMe button at the top of the screen.
3. Find a book to borrow. Do one of the following:
• Swipe to scroll horizontally through the books on the shelf labeled Friends books to borrow. When you
see a book you would like to borrow, tap its cover. A dialog box opens, listing the friends who own this
• If you would like to view the books you can borrow in a vertical list, tap See All. When you see a book
you would like to borrow, tap the Borrow button next to it. A dialog box opens, listing the friends who
own this book.
• Enter a book title or author’s name in the search field at the bottom of the LendMe page. Tap Look Up.
The LendMe page lists any books that match the title or name you searched for. Tap the Borrow button
next to the book you would like to borrow.
4. Tap the Request button next to the name of friend from whom you would like to borrow the book. A dialog box
opens. Write a brief message to your friend, and click Send.
NOTE: If you’re enjoying a book sample or a book you’ve borrowed, you can purchase the book at any time.
Simply tap in the center of a page to open the Reading Tools, tap on the blue flag at the right end of the