
122 Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide
Viewing Device Information
The Device Info settings screen displays useful information about your device, including your battery status (how
much of a charge remains) and the amount of storage available on your NOOK. It also reports your NOOK’s serial
number and the version number of your NOOK software.
The Device Info feature also includes a button for restoring your NOOK to its factory settings.
Displaying Basic Device Information
To display device information, do this:
1. On the Settings screen, tap Device Info.
Your NOOK displays the Device Info page, which shows:
• a Battery charge status bar, showing how much power is left on your battery
• an BN Content Storage Available status bar, showing how much free storage is available for books, maga-
zines, newspapers, and apps you purchase through the NOOK Store
• an Other Storage Available status bar, showing how much free storage is available for content sideloaded
from your personal computer
• an SD Card status bar, showing how much free storage is available on a microSD card, if one is installed
in your NOOK
The Device Info page also presents three menu choices:
• About Your NOOK
• Erase & Deregister Device
• Legal
Displaying System Information
Tap the About Your NOOK menu choice to display the following information:
• Owner, the name of the owner of this NOOK
• Account, the email address of the Barnes & Noble account linked to this NOOK
• Software version, the version number of your NOOK software
• Model number, the model number of your NOOK
• Serial number, the unique serial number of your NOOK
• Wi-Fi MAC address, a unique networking address your NOOK uses when its connects to a Wi-Fi network.
Erase & Deregister Device
The Erase & Deregister feature erases your Barnes & Noble account information from your NOOK and resets the
NOOK to its default factory settings. Deregistration unlinks your NOOK from your Barnes & Noble account.
NOTE: Erasing and deregistering your NOOK does not delete any of the books, magazines, and newspapers
from your Barnes & Noble account. Your reading material, while no longer available on your NOOK, is
still available for downloading and for reading with NOOK applications, such as NOOK for iPhone and
NOOK for Android. In addition, you can re-register your NOOK by following the same steps you used